The Centre for Management and Rural Economy (CGER) is the only management consultancy and accountancy network specialising in the rural sector in Senegal. Supported by Invest for Jobs, it is working to improve its existing services and developing new offerings with a view to growing its client portfolio. Benefiting from better support, clients will be able to invest and recruit more workers. Read more
In order to unlock their potential and create jobs, the African Women of the Future (AWF) program educates young women in entrepreneurship with the support of Invest for Jobs. Read more
Invest for Jobs supports the Rwandan Ministry of Trade and Industry with setting up a one-stop shop and online marketplace to enable over 600 small and medium-sized enterprises sell goods and services online at minimum upfront costs. Read more
Senegal is the largest salt producer in West Africa, yet poor quality means that the country continues to import salt from abroad. Invest for Jobs is supporting the development of the salt sector by implementing a project that is also set to create 500 new jobs. Read more
The outsourcing of customer relations and IT services to Senegal has grown strongly over recent years. Many young people and women find employment here. To create even more jobs for young people, Invest for Jobs supports the call centre Way2Call in training skilled personnel. Read more
The Farmers Resilient Package project in Ghana aims to offer farmers better job perspectives by leveraging untapped potential of the cashew, peanut and vegetable sectors. To do so, the project supports local farmers with implementing organic production methods and on the other hand, works on improving market linkages and addressing investment barriers such as meeting organic standards to mobilize more private capital in Ghanaian agriculture. Read more
The telecommunications provider Orange establishes Orange Digital Centers in 14 countries with support of German development cooperation. The centers offer a wide range of programmes, free and open to all, supporting youth and entrepreneurship, ranging from training to start-up support and investment in these. Read more
Invest for Jobs supports the German company Schnell Media in cooperation with the Rwandan ICT Innovation Center in training qualified professionals for its Rwandan branch and the local ICT sector. To this end, a vocational training programme in digital image processing has been developed. In total, 200 people will be trained in Rwanda and at least 100 new jobs will be created. Read more
The Global Shea Alliance (GSA) and private sector partners team up to Improve the Capacity of Women Shea Collectors in Ghana and boost the profitability of the sector. The result is a project in which women benefit from training and better working conditions, and investment barriers for European and local companies are being removed. Read more
Through training and B2B exchange with German businesses, this project seeks to strengthen the capacities of 60 Ghanaian SMEs. The Readiness to compete in regional and international markets shall be improved and new jobs are going to be created. Read more
More than 60 per cent of the working population in Senegal are employed in the agricultural sector, which has been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Invest for Jobs has been providing support to an agricultural producers’ cooperative with 1,900 members during the pandemic in order to safeguard employment, create new jobs and keep production operations going. Read more
Despite the big potential, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises do not play an important role in Senegal’s economic development. Invest for Jobs works with Bureau de Mise à Niveau (BMN) to support around 50 Sengalese companies in improving business performance and access to high-value markets. Read more
Invest for Jobs supports the African Evangelistic Enterprise (AEE) in mobilising Rwandan smallholder farmers to join a farmer cooperative and build their capacity to grow high-quality chillies for regional and international export markets. Trained chilli farmers benefit from higher incomes and create jobs on their farms for Rwanda’s growing rural population. Read more
The Task Force on Senegal set up by Invest for Jobs and BVMW (German Confederation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises) aims to promote economic cooperation between German SMEs and Senegalese companies. Read more
The Manager Business Unit (MBU) programme provides young graduates who are looking for a job with an adequate training to facilitate their professional integration. The purpose is to enable them to obtain a sustainable job and a decent income while meeting the needs of companies looking for talent. Read more
In Senegal, some 50 per cent of working-age people live in rural areas. Yet the rural unemployment rate is over 60 per cent. To create more jobs, especially for women and young people in rural areas, and to establish value chains in Senegal, Invest for Jobs supports Mburu, a local bakery brand. Read more
To make small and medium-sized companies in Senegal more resilient, Invest for Jobs supports the local agency for the development and mentoring of small and medium-sized companies in a training and coaching programme for managing directors. Read more
Invest for Jobs supports the Rwandan company Sosoma Industries Ltd. to enhance their maize supply chain and flour processing plant. These improvements help create and preserve jobs, increase local income and ensure food security during the Covid-19 pandemic Read more
Africa FAN creates business and employment opportunities by linking up international fashion brands and retailers with emerging textile and apparel (T&A) production hubs in Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, and Senegal. In addition to matchmaking services, Africa FAN provides these brands and retailers with support on scouting and sourcing from T&A producers in these countries. Read more
Invest for Jobs supports companies such as Karongi Tea Factory with their quality certification and quality management. This allows them to supply European importers such as Germany's largest retailer in the tea sector, TeeGschwendner, with tea of the highest quality. Read more
TAMA is a vocational training academy founded by the Tunisian Automotive Association (TAA) and supported by Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) and Invest for Jobs. It aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the automotive sector through further training of middle management. At the end of 2022, the training programmes of the TAMA were handed over from bbw to the TAA. This will ensure the continued existence of the academy and long-term support for the entire automotive industry. Read more
Digital Skills Accelerator Africa (DSAA) is an independent non-profit association that supports German, European and international firms in the digital sector in expanding business opportunities and personnel capacities in Africa. Member organisations offer training and the prospect of employment to people in partner countries. Read more
Cotton is one of the most important export products for the Senegalese agricultural industry. However, the country currently produces only 20 per cent within its means. Invest for Jobs supports the revitalisation of the Senegalese textile sector, which is expected to create 950 new jobs and more. Read more
The African Centre for Innovation in Agri-Food and Cosmetics (CAIAC), which is open to Moroccan and other African companies, seeks to promote research and development (R&D) for new high-value-added agri-food and cosmetics products. The aim of the Centre, which is supported by Invest for Jobs, is to contribute to creating permanent jobs in these industries. Read more
Invest for Jobs supports the "Ethiopian Fashion Community", an association of small and medium-sized enterprises in the textile industry. With the help of marketing experts, their fair and locally produced products are to enter the international market. Read more
80 kilos of rice are consumed per capita in Senegal every year. But the Senegalese rice sector faces some difficulties, which means that rice is mainly imported from abroad. Invest for Jobs supports the development of rice cultivation with a project that simultaneously aims to combat youth unemployment in the country. Read more
The Smart Cities Innovation Programme (SCIP) supports young African start-ups offering smart city solutions in the face of advancing urbanisation. The programme helps them in building sustainable innovation ecosystems through intensive training and individual coaching. This creates new jobs and advances the country’s digital transformation. Read more
Supported by Invest for Jobs, the Women in Fashion association has established the Dakar Design Hub in Senegal. Plans call for the new training and textile design centre to train around 300 young people and create 200 new jobs by 2024. Read more
Very little plastic waste is recycled in Ghana, while the consumption of plastic products is increasing rapidly due to population growth and increasing levels of prosperity. By supporting the local company Tidyup, Invest for Jobs is helping to create employment in the formal sector and to strengthen the recycling economy in Ghana. Read more
Shifting from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture holds great potential to create more and better jobs, especially for women, in Rwanda. Invest for Jobs thus supports IDH – The Sustainable Trade Initiative in fostering the production and exports of Rwandan horticulture companies, cooperatives and farmers. Read more
While companies in Africa are looking for IT talents, many university graduates struggle with finding jobs because they lack practical experience. This is where the cooperation with SAP within the framework of the "SAP Young Professionals Program" came in: practical training was offered in ten African countries. Read more
Invest for Jobs supported the Local Administrative Entities Development Agency in Rwanda to provide matching grants and complementary trainings to innovative business partnerships. Originally intended to help companies stay in business and preserve jobs after Covid-19, the grants also supported them to grow and create new jobs in rural areas. Read more
The Competence Center on Automation (CCoA), supported by Invest for Jobs, aims to promote the transfer of Industry 4.0 expertise between Moroccan and German companies and train the specialists needed by Morocco’s agro-industrial, agricultural and automotive sectors. Read more
Invest for Jobs supported EarthEnable from December 2021 until June 2024 in empowering people with a low level of formal education, women, and youth to enter the rural construction sector. The company’s training and coaching programmes in masonry and business management enabled disadvantaged people to start their own construction business or secure jobs in the industry. Read more
Access to skilled workers is essential for a successful digital transformation, but often challenging for European companies. At the same time, Tunisia is turning into the IT hub of the entire region and has an outstanding talent pool in the IT sector. The Tech216 initiative brings companies and IT talents in Tunisia together. Read more
With support from Invest for Jobs, Green Chip 4.0 trains early school leavers from Casablanca in computer maintenance so that they can refurbish obsolete electronic equipment. The refurbished equipment is then offered to people with limited means. Read more
Around 1,800 war and climate refugees live in the Baraka district of Dakar. The German YOU Foundation is carrying out various projects there, such as the construction of hygienic housing, to improve the quality of life of families living in the district. Invest for Jobs supports the project in the form of a broad-based training programme. Read more
We will continuously add GIZ projects here.If you are interested in learning more about our work, please feel free to contact us.
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Under the Invest for Jobs brand, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has put together a package of measures to support German, European and African companies in investment activities that have a high impact on employment in Africa. The Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" – the official title – offers comprehensive advice, contacts and financial support to overcome investment barriers. The development objective is to work together with companies to create up to 100,000 good jobs and to improve working conditions and social protection in its African partner countries.
Partner countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and Tunisia.
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