Rwandan women in masonry

Creating Inclusive Construction Jobs in Rwanda

Promoting disadvantaged groups 
in rural construction 


People with a low level of education, women and youth struggle to earn a living in the construction sector 

In 2021, 11 per cent of Rwanda’s employed population worked in the construction sector, making it the country’s second largest job provider after agriculture. Due to ongoing urbanisation resulting in demands for houses, the employment in the construction sector further increased even during the Covid-19 pandemic.

While the sector continues to grow, people with a low level of education, women and youth struggle to earn a living in the construction sector. Their chances of finding employment, moving into better paid positions, or running their own successful business in the industry are low. This is mainly because they lack the necessary literacy, numeracy or technical skills and have limited experience in construction and business management. Particularly women face structural prejudice, old-fashioned gender roles and limited opportunities in the industry.  

Especially in rural areas, employment opportunities are limited. Yet, given the high demand for affordable and safe housing in rural communities, there is great market potential for competent construction entrepreneurs. However, without targeted upskilling and strong role models, participation of disadvantaged groups in construction will remain low.

To improve rural livelihoods and create inclusive employment opportunities in the industry, training and mentoring formats need to be designed for disadvantaged groups. Aspiring construction entrepreneurs require targeted support to develop the skills and confidence necessary to secure jobs, build their own businesses and make a difference in their local economies.


Upskilling courses and one-on-one coaching for disadvantaged groups 

To create inclusive employment opportunities and to equip people with a low level of education, rural women and youth with the necessary skills to successfully run businesses in the construction sector, Invest for Jobs supported EarthEnable – also locally known as Tube Heza – from December 2021 until June 2024. The Rwandan construction company specialises in affordable and organic housing solutions, including sealed earthen floors and wall plastering. Through their franchisees – entrepreneurial masons, who in turn often hire additional helpers – they market and install their products in rural communities throughout Rwanda.  

As part of a joint project with Invest for Jobs, EarthEnable provided trainings targeting unemployed people with a low level of education, women and youths, and offered coaching to new and existing franchisees of EarthEnable. The aim of the collaboration was to create new jobs in the construction sector, create role models for disadvantaged groups, and contribute to inclusive and sustainable rural development. 

In two-month-long training courses, participants were taught technical skills for construction, business management and other soft skills. The content was specifically tailored to the individual needs of the targeted demographics. Hence, in addition to practical skills, the training content additionally emphasised language, literacy, and numeracy, as well as practical work-readiness skills to improve employability. Female-only training programmes offered a safe space and addressed gender-specific barriers in the construction sector.

Training participants and aspiring masons. © Elie Ndashimy Peter Lee


Following the training programmes, EarthEnable provided sixteen months of targeted one-on-one coaching to all graduates and to existing franchisees of EarthEnable. The aim was to consolidate skills and improve productivity along with income. Finally, the company provided certification to participants who have achieved a high level of competence in construction, sales, and effective small business management. New and existing franchisees trained under the initiative are contributing to rural development with affordable and sustainable housing solutions. 


Positive impact in the rural construction sector 

By the end of the project in June 2024, 465 unemployed people have been trained and one-on-one coached in construction and business management. Among those previously unemployed graduates, 122 people found new good jobs in the construction industry. This includes 75 people with a low level of education, 14 women, and 33 young people.  

Additional to the previously unemployed, 204 existing franchisees of EarthEnable received one-on-one coaching as well. Among those, 123 individuals, mainly with a low level of education, 10 women, and 11 young people, benefited from increased income.

Young female mason at work in Rwanda.
Young female mason at work in Rwanda. © Elie Ndashimy Peter Lee


One female participant highlighted that the training and coaching at EarthEnable has empowered her as both an entrepreneur and a mason. She says: “I feel happy because when people see me now, they say: ‘That is a businesswoman of EarthEnable. She is a mason, and she is good at it’”. 


This project is supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in the context of Invest for Jobs on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). 

Watch the video below to gain deeper insights into how this project has promoted women in the construction sector.

Project details

Project status


Project locations

Rwanda Kigali

Project objectives

job creation training empowerment



A project with



Earth Enable


We are looking forward to hearing from you

Under the Invest for Jobs brand, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has put together a package of measures to support German, European and African companies in investment activities that have a high impact on employment in Africa. The Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" – the official title – offers comprehensive advice, contacts and financial support to overcome investment barriers. The development objective is to work together with companies to create up to 100,000 good jobs and to improve working conditions and social protection in its African partner countries.

Partner countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and Tunisia.

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