TAMA Tunisian Automotive Management Academy

Tunisian Automotive Management Academy (TAMA)

Creating employment opportunities
in the automotive industry


Shortage of skilled middle management in the automotive supply industry complicates further investments

Tunisia continues to face economic challenges. Economic growth and direct investment have declined sharply due to the Corona pandemic. The unemployment rate stood at 16 per cent in November 2024. However, the country's economic potential is enormous due to its proximity to Europe and a comparatively high level of education among the workforce.
The Tunisian automotive industry is a key sector for national growth, with already more than 90,000 jobs and an average growth of 10 percent. 
To make better use of this potential, a workshop to identify barriers to investment was organised in 2018 in Tunis by Invest for Jobs together with four German automotive companies based in Tunisia.
The conclusion of the workshop was that the lack of skilled workers in middle management is a major obstacle to investment in new plants and production lines and thus also prevents more employment in the automotive sector in Tunisia.


Strengthening the competitiveness of the automotive industry through further training of middle management

The solution, which was developed by Invest for Jobs together with companies and in coordination with the Bildungswerk der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bbw) and the Tunisian Automotive Association (TAA), was to found a training academy. The Tunisian Automotive Management Academy (TAMA) was founded with the aim of training more specialists for middle management through course content that is precisely tailored to the needs of the companies.

TAMA thus works on three levels: For employees, training and development opportunities are provided. For companies, it develops the skills of middle managers, supports investment and increases the competitiveness of the automotive sector. For Tunisia and the population, jobs are created, investments are promoted and the country's attractiveness as a business location is increased.

TAMA trains middle management
TAMA trains middle management // Copyright: GIZ

The first training courses were aimed at the further education of existing employees and were later expanded to include an offer for the training of young professionals. Now, the programme continues to target existing middle management, but also trains technical operators, new employees in the induction phase, as well as top management and employees preparing for their first management position.


Ensure the sustainability of the project

A total of 2.349 workers, 913 of them women, from 52 German, European and Tunisian companies have already participated in TAMA training courses and strengthened their management skills. This has enabled the participating companies to open new production lines and sites and thus create more jobs in the Tunisian automotive sector.  With the support of Invest for Jobs, 4,521 jobs, including 2,986 for women, have been created by 2024 in the participating companies – which benefited not only from TAMA training courses, but also from other supporting measures in communication, innovation and corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Many companies already benefitted from sending employees to TAMA trainings.
Many companies already benefitted from sending employees to TAMA trainings. // Copyright: GIZ


At the end of 2022, the training programmes of the TAMA were handed over from bbw to the TAA. This will ensure the continued existence of the academy and long-term support for the entire automotive industry.

Since April 2023, the TAMA has also been an official licence partner of the Quality Management Centre of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). In 2024, TAMA's range of services was further expanded. As a result, 30 new course units were offered in various subject areas, including a new course module on environmental, social and governance (ESG)-standards. In addition, 32 new trainers were prepared in 2024 to conduct training courses as part of the expansion of TAMA's offering.

The TAMA Academy is supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of Invest for Jobs on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Project details

Project status


Project locations

Tunisia Tunis

Project objectives

Job creation Improvement of working conditions



A project with




We are looking forward to hearing from you

Under the Invest for Jobs brand, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has put together a package of measures to support German, European and African companies in investment activities that have a high impact on employment in Africa. The Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" – the official title – offers comprehensive advice, contacts and financial support to overcome investment barriers. The development objective is to work together with companies to create up to 100,000 good jobs and to improve working conditions and social protection in its African partner countries.

Partner countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and Tunisia.

Find out more about our services for companies, universities, chambers and associations: https://invest-for-jobs.com/en/offers

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