To increase the attractiveness of the industrial zone, the municipality wants to build an illuminated asphalt road of 2.4 kilometres. The objective is to connect the residential areas in the eastern part of Butajira to the industrial zone. The easier access should improve the conditions for companies operating in the industrial zone and attract new investors. Three companies from a local group have already expressed their willingness to relocate to the Butajira Industrial Zone after the completion of the new road.
The Municipality of Butajira will identify a suitable construction company through a public tender. It was contractually agreed that the local population will participate in the planning process and that environmental risks and the social impact will be assessed before the start of the construction. 1.5 years after the start of the planning phase, work on the road should be completed.
The Municipality of Butajira Town estimates that the construction of the road will cost around 5 million euros. The Facility Investing for Employment grants a subsidy of 4.51 million euros (90%). The textile company DESTA PLC is already located in the industrial zone and gets direct support from the Facility as part of a separate measure. This will help them finance the extension of their product range and the participation of their employees in a dual education programme.