Promoting production and sales, facilitating access and spreading knowledge
Invest for Jobs worked with Mela for Her from June 2022 to April 2024 to promote the production of reusable pads. The partnership had two objectives: first, to create good jobs for women and people belonging to low-income groups in production and sales, and second, to increase access to adequate menstrual products, particularly in rural areas.
With support from Invest for Jobs, further training was provided for 241 people in sales, production and quality assurance. The training courses, which lasted around two months, covered production techniques such as sample production, fabric cutting and sewing, and other areas such as sales techniques, safety regulations and knowledge of menstrual hygiene. The company was supplied with a range of trainers to cover these different topics.
With the help of Invest for Jobs, women freelancers were also trained to sell the products in rural areas door to door and woman to woman in a safe setting. Menstruation is particularly taboo in rural areas. The saleswomen also play an important role in raising awareness of menstrual health and thus contribute to breaking the taboo. Improved access to menstrual products and greater awareness of menstrual health enable women and girls to go to work and attend school.
Mela for Her’s business idea fills an economic and social gap. Being able to ensure that international quality standards are met was one of several barriers to revenue growth. The Alliance for Product Quality in Africa (AfPQ), part of Invest for Jobs, provided support in this area. Thanks to the assistance of AfPQ, Mela for Her and its suppliers developed capacity in quality management according to the international ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14000 standards and received the corresponding certification.