Improved conditions for employers and employees
The improved housing conditions are expected to make Hawassa more attractive to businesses. Several companies have pledged to create new jobs in the industrial park as soon as the accommodation is ready. 2,000 employees already working at Hawassa can also move to the new housing facilities. In addition, 135 workers are to be hired to run the buildings after their completion. The newly created jobs would have a significant effect on the local labour market. The housing complex will give employees who previously had to travel several kilometres to work and often lived in poor housing a new incentive to work in Hawassa Industrial Park.
The consortium is planning to invest a total of 11.58 million euros. The Facility Investing for Employment grants a subsidy of 5.48 million euros (47%).
The Facility Investing for Employment of KfW Development Bank is part of the Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). With its support, it wants to remove barriers that prevent the creation of new and better jobs in the private sector.