From plastic recycling to dried fruit production: the companies are as individual as the support they receive
In Senegal, the project is currently supporting four SMEs in the textile, recycling, skilled crafts, and food sectors, contributing to the creation and improvement of jobs in the regions of Thiès, Dakar and Louga.
An example: Recycling by Proplast in Senegal
Proplast is a significant player in the Senegalese recycling industry. Around 5,400 small-scale collectors can sell plastic waste to Proplast at 20 collection points. Each month, 100 employees collect more than 100 tonnes of plastic, which are then turned into granules. These are sold to plastic manufacturers or transformed into furniture such as school benches. Invest for Jobs provides expertise to assist Proplast with site planning, training, and financial and production planning. With cofinancing for a milling machine as part of the SME Support Programme, Proplast can now increase its furniture production and recruit additional staff.
© GIZ / Felix M. Weber // A Proplast product
In Ghana, Invest for Jobs is supporting four agricultural enterprises and a bamboo-processing company. These contribute to reducing food waste, securing prospects for young people in rural areas, and increasing the proportion of renewable energy used.
An example: Dried fruit from Groital in Ghana
The Ghanaian company Groital produces dried fruits as a means of reducing post-harvest losses. As well as pineapple, it processes mango, ginger, and coconut, buying in surplus fruit from local farmers. Now, the company is planning to increase its capacity to supply European and American export markets. Invest for Jobs is assisting Groital with the procurement of machines, while providing training in accounting, financial management, marketing, and sales.
© GIZ / Felix M. Weber // Dried pineapple from Groital in Ghana