SY Electric Jan24 009 GIZ

SME Support Facility for job creation in Ethiopia

Boosting Ethiopian small
and medium-sized companies


Enhancing competitiveness and job creation in Ethiopian SMEs

Ethiopia, one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies, faces significant challenges in transforming its economic structure. Despite a 7.2 per cent GDP growth rate in the 2022/23 fiscal year, the country’s economy is still predominantly rural, with 70 per cent of the population engaged in agriculture. This sector contributes approximately 37 per cent to the GDP, while services and industry account for 36 per cent and 22 per cent, respectively. The Ethiopian government aims to achieve lower-middle-income status by 2025, but obstacles such as limited capital investment, inadequately skilled labour, and insufficient market information impede SMEs growth.

Due to these constraints, SMEs in Ethiopia have not reached their full market and employment potential, operating below capacity. With youth unemployment at 25 per cent and the manufacturing sector struggling to absorb job seekers, enhancing SME productivity and competitiveness is crucial for economic development and job creation​​.

The SME Support Facility addresses these challenges by providing comprehensive support to SMEs. This initiative promotes job creation, advises on improving product quality, and facilitates access to local and international markets. Special attention is given to women-owned SMEs and job creation for women, ensuring inclusivity and broader economic impact.


Empowering SMEs with technical and financial support

Invest for Jobs provides strategic oversight, ensuring alignment with broader development goals, and facilitates collaboration with local and international partners, providing technical expertise to enhance project implementation. It supports SMEs through coaching, training, and financial assistance. The facility offers an innovative, multifaceted approach to improve the competitiveness and productivity of Ethiopian SMEs. It is comprised of five elements which are applied and combined flexibly depending on the potential and need of each SME:

Technical Training: Training programs and expert advice targeted to increase productivity and competitiveness​​, develop new products and services, and improve production processes, and logistics.

Management Training:
Comprehensive management training covering strategic planning, marketing and sales, organisational governance and structure, finance, HR management, and implementation of quality standards to ensure sustainable business growth. This includes leadership training and peer-to-peer learning opportunities​​​​.

Access to Financing:
The initiative helps SMEs develop feasible business models and plans, elevate financial management, and connect with banks for loans and investors for equity investment. This has led to significant achievements;, so far, over 1 million euros in loans from local banks could be realised​​.

Financial Assistance:
To improve production processes and market competitiveness, SMEs can receive machinery and equipment support of up to 12.000 euros, complemented by the SME’s contribution.

Due Diligence and Compliance:
Support includes obtaining necessary certifications, health and safety training, and promoting ecological sustainability. This ensures that SMEs meet international standards and can compete effectively in global markets​​​​.


Sustaining long-term economic growth and employment

The SME Support Facility currently supports a wide range of sectors in Ethiopia, including digital marketplaces, manufacturing, health services, e-mobility, coffee and agro-processing, and leather goods. Notable successes include:

  • Taskmoby is an Addis Ababa-based platform where customers can find handy persons, artisans, and related services for their home or commercial property. The support under the SME Support Facility included the development of a marketing campaign, a sales strategy, and support to develop a comprehensive business plan to attract additional external capital. With this holistic, tailor-made approach, Taskmoby created 553 new good jobs in the Addis Ababa area, with approximately 40 per cent of these positions filled by women, thereby significantly contributing to local employment and economic growth​​.
  • S&Y Electric Manufacturing, in Mekelle, Tigray Region, specialises in electromechanical installations and the production of extension cables and control boards. The company benefited from equipment and capacity-building support through the SME Support Facility. This assistance allowed S&Y Electric to expand its production capacity, which increased in market reach, including exports to Eritrea. Despite the challenges of the Northern Conflict, the company managed to stabilise and currently employs 17 people, 45 per cent of whom are women​.
  • Dox Herbal, in Hawassa, Southern Region: Established by five women entrepreneurs, the company produces different types of organic soap and cosmetic oil products for the local market. The machinery support has enabled the company to start making soap noodles sourced from importers. The in-house soap noodles production reduced the soap curing (drying) time from 15 days to 3 days and boosted the production capacity. Access to finance support helped alleviate working capital limitation and ensured sustainable production.

The examples underscore the role of the SME Support Facility in increasing SME competitiveness and productivity. Its five main support measures answer the specific needs and boost the potential of each participating company. As the programme has proven to be a successful model for assisting SMEs, it was decided to use this approach in other African partner countries too.

Since its inception, the SME Support Facility in Ethiopia, in total, has supported 334 companies, 27 per cent of which were women-run. This has created of 11.877 jobs, including 5.768 for women and 5.195 for young people. Additionally, 11.775 workers, including 6.276 women, have benefited from improved working conditions and increased income.

      The SME Support Facility is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and sequa gGmbH within the framework of the Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition” on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

      Project details

      Project status


      Project locations

      Ethiopia Addis Ababa, Adama, Mekelle, Bahir Dar, SNNPR

      Project objectives

      Job creation Grant scheme with mandatory coaching and mentoring Individual consultancy in technical fields

      A project with




      We are looking forward to hearing from you

      Under the Invest for Jobs brand, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has put together a package of measures to support German, European and African companies in investment activities that have a high impact on employment in Africa. The Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" – the official title – offers comprehensive advice, contacts and financial support to overcome investment barriers. The development objective is to work together with companies to create up to 100,000 good jobs and to improve working conditions and social protection in its African partner countries.

      Partner countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and Tunisia.

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