From innovation to job creation
As of 2023, the establishment of the CE3M prototyping platform has resulted in the creation of 30 new good jobs, including seven at CE3M. Other jobs are positioned at companies belonging to the association that have directly benefited from the platform by developing new products and consequently expanded their operations.
Further, experts from the platform gave a 12-day training course in 3D printing and measurement to 36 employees from member companies.
Even after project completion, CE3M aims to promote the potential of the local electronics market and availability of electronic goods through the prototyping platform. Thanks to the innovations it enables, Moroccan and foreign-owned companies based in the country will be able to use electronic components and systems made in Morocco to manufacture their products rather than having to import them. This will bring production costs down and therefore increase competitiveness. This cost-effective approach is expected to stimulate growth and enhance the sector's capacity to generate new employment opportunities.
CE3M’s CEO Mr Nourdine Bouyaakoub puts it this way: “This project will enable companies to expand into new markets at a time when big international groups are reviewing their procurement policies, particularly since the COVID-19 pandemic. These international players are increasingly turning to neighbouring European countries as suppliers. Morocco is well placed to secure a sizeable share of the electronics market, enabling it to improve its balance of trade in this sector.”
The CE3M prototyping platform was supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in the context of the Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).