Preserving jobs, securing investment
Many African countries have been enjoying continuous political stabilisation and high economic growth for several years. This has made them increasingly attractive for European and African companies and investors. The global coronavirus pandemic and its economic impacts slowed down this welcome trend. Millions of jobs were feared to be lost, and companies faced the threat of revenue losses and bankruptcy.
Through economic stabilisation measures in affected countries, the Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" has contributed to preserving jobs and securing investments. In close dialogue with our partners, we have reoriented our services for companies to ensure business continuity and preserve jobs.
In order to stabilise local economic structures during the crisis, maintain supply chains and safeguard jobs, we focused our work even more strongly on cooperation with African SMEs. In this way, Invest for Jobs has also contributed to strengthening the resilience of companies to overcome future challenges.
Our information sheet provides you with insights into our measures against the effects of the pandemic.