African young male in the vegetable garden of AFC

Online training on the new EU organic regulations

What agricultural advisors from Africa need to know for future exports of organic products to the European Union

The Alliance for Product Quality in Africa as part of Invest for Jobs and the GIZ-project ‘Supporting Sustainability Aspects in the Implementation of EU Economic Partnership Agreements (NEW)’ are inviting agricultural advisors in Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Morocco, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa as well as in Tunisia to a three-day webinar series on the new EU organic regulations.

The new Regulation (EU) 2018/848 on organic production and labelling of organic products has come into force on 1st of January 2022 and will bring many changes for organic producers, processors and traders, especially also in countries outside of the European Union.

To raise awareness about the new regulation and to inform about the specific changes that come along with the revision, we will be holding a live webinar series starting in February this year. The trainings will help participants to identify the impacts the new regulation will have on organic agricultural and processing activities, and to impart that knowledge with the companies they advise.

The trainings will be held by experienced trainers of AFC and Enjeux et des Hommes, a subsidiary of the ECOCERT Group. The trainings are composed of webinars and E-learning modules.

The exact dates for the training sessions in English, French and Arabic will be published on the website of AFC. All trainings are offered free of charge and are limited to a maximum of 20 participants, so be sure to save your spot fast!

To register, please ensure that you fulfil the following registration criteria:

  • Be a resident in one of the 13 African countries for which the trainings are offered
  • Have expertise in the field of organic agriculture and be familiar with the basic requirements of the former organic EU Regulation
  • Have work experience as an agricultural advisor

If you meet these criteria, please send an email with your full name, your country of residence and your organisation/company name to: (external e-mail address of our service provider)

The project is a joint activity of the Alliance for Product Quality in Africa as part of the Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" and the global project ‘Supporting Sustainability Aspects in the Implementation of EU Economic Partnership Agreements (NEW)’, implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).


We are looking forward to hearing from you

Under the Invest for Jobs brand, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has put together a package of measures to support German, European and African companies in investment activities that have a high impact on employment in Africa. The Special Initiative "Decent Work for a Just Transition" – the official title – offers comprehensive advice, contacts and financial support to overcome investment barriers. The development objective is to work together with companies to create up to 100,000 good jobs and to improve working conditions and social protection in its African partner countries.

Partner countries: Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal and Tunisia.

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