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Declaration of consent under data protection law

As an informant

As an informant it is possible for you to use the grievance mechanism anonymously, i.e. without disclosing your identity. If you decide to deliberately and knowingly disclose your identity to IFE, we will need your consent to do so. We will treat your identity confidentially during the internal and extrajudicial or official steps of any investigation proceedings. However, it may be necessary to disclose your identity in communications with authorities and/or courts.

In certain cases, IFE also has an obligation under data protection law to inform the accused person of the allegations made against him or her within one month at the latest. In this context, your identity as an informant will not be disclosed - insofar as this is permissible in accordance with Art. 14 Para.3 lit.a DSGVO.

Please note that you can no longer revoke your declaration of consent at the latest from the time of such disclosure to authorities and / or courts or the accused person (further details under "Revocation of declaration of consent").

I consent to IFE processing my following personal data

  • name,
  • contact details and
  • fact that I have made a report via the informant system

for the following purposes:

  • Examination and processing of my report
  • Investigation of the accused person(s)
  • Communication with authorities and courts in connection with my report

Revocation of the declaration of consent

In principle, I can revoke my declaration of consent without giving reasons with effect for the future. However, the revocation of consent is usually only possible within one month after receipt of the report, because the data listed above may already have been passed on to the accused person, authorities and/or courts. 

However, the withdrawal period may also be shortened, sometimes considerably. This is the case if an authority or court becomes involved in a timely manner as a result of the report. As soon as we disclose your name to the authority or the court, this will be in the case files at IFE and at the authority or court and can no longer be deleted.

Please contact us at 

Investitionen für Beschäftigung (Investing for Employment) GmbH
Eulenkrugstrasse 55-57
22359 Hamburg

In the event of revocation

In the event of revocation, IFE will immediately delete your data mentioned in the declaration of consent (your name, contact details and the fact that you made the report via the informant system). The content of the report made via the informant system will continue to be used without you being named as the informant. If the examination of your report shows that it was intentionally made incorrectly, IFE may be legally obliged to archive it or may require further processing for the assertion, exercise or defence of legal claims.

Further information

Further information on the processing of your personal data and your rights can be found in the information on data protection within the framework of the Grievance Mechanism of the Facility IFE at the following link: Information on data protection

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